We, Assurant Securities & Management Limited warmly appreciate the valued steps taken by the Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC. (DSE) which is the first, prime and the leading Stock Exchange of our beloved country Bangladesh to issue Trading Right Entitlement Certificates (TREC) among sincere and committed business personalities of the country who have sound and wide experience in stock trading operations and who feels it their very sincere and sacred duty and responsibility to extend help for further development in our prospective stock market.

 Our plan is to run the stock trading business honestly and sincerely by providing required guidance, advice and suggestions to our prospective investors so that they can reap the required benefit from their hard-earned investment in a safe and stable position. We also have plan to provide financial help to our prospective clients who really need it to earn a reasonable profit from their investment. Our business plan also includes avoid taking any risky decision that may cause financial hardship and insecurity to our clients and thus make them annoyed with stock market operation.

Assurant Securities & Management Limited also has positive plans to further widen and increase its contribution in capital market operations by way of opening more promising branches in all other important districts and city centres of the country as-well-as in hubs or central points of other more advanced countries outside Bangladesh. This will open investment opportunities for more investors and will widen their role for remaining involved in the economic development of the country as well.

 Sincerity, Honesty, Dedication and Hard Work will always be the main guidelines of our running of stock market operations by becoming an esteemed TREC Holder of our most esteemed Stock Exchange of the country that always follows and runs its operations complying the rules, regulations and guidelines of the Companies Act and Securities related Ordinance, Act, Rules and Regulations of the Regulatory Authority i.e. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).

 Assurant Securities & Management Limited would like to assure its clients of the un-matched quality services. We will always remain determined to live upto the expectations of our esteemed clients. We shall be ever ready to provide protection and to ensure enhancement of the interest of our beloved clients. Fullest satisfaction of the clients is the Real Goal of Assurant Securities & Management Limited.

 The sponsors of our company have wide experience in capital market operations. Our company is also successfully managed by a team of dedicated professionals who are well equipped to provide highly cared personalized services to our each and every customer. The company has all modern office automation systems, information technology equipments and updated modern version of software to provide all desired Capital Market related information to our customers at anytime and anywhere.

 Safe and secured future for our clients is our core Business Plan and our Goal.